Past Exhibitions

May 25, 2024 through Jun 15, 2024
heavily textured hand crafted paper with floral motif in blue and purple
Apr 15, 2024 through May 11, 2024
crepuscular rays descend from a cloudy sky to scintillating steely water rimmed at the horizon by low hills
Jan 9, 2024 through Mar 22, 2024
side by side images of an ancient step pyramid on a sunny day with a fluffy cloud behind. One of the images is overexposed with orange light.
May 20, 2023 through Jun 9, 2023
the words "at this juncture" repeated four times, one beneath the next. The letters are slightly askew. They are highlighted by orange and blue streaks.
Mar 28, 2023 through May 6, 2023
Barbara L. Miller and Dimitri Katsaros
May 21, 2022 through Jun 11, 2022
painting in vibrant pastels of a porcelain doll from various angles distorted
Jan 13, 2022 through May 7, 2022
a low, cylindrical sculpture of stones with round portals sits on a grassy knoll
Oct 7, 2021 through Nov 20, 2021
a figure fully covered in a bright, sparkling red chador emerges from blue ocean water. The red chador reflects upon the ripples of the water.
May 20, 2021 through Jun 11, 2021
postcard announcing the BFA Material Mind exhibition
Jan 15, 2020 through May 2, 2020
a stylish person, seated, black and white clothes, black hat, sunglasses
Jul 2, 2019 through Oct 5, 2019
Systems of Viewing at the Western Gallery
May 16, 2019 through Jun 15, 2019
fever dreams title image - black background, hot orange and red letters
Jan 16, 2019 through Mar 16, 2019
ripples of light and shadow radiate outward from two points on a wall, spanning the entire wall and intersecting between the two points. This also reflects onto the clean floor in front of the wall.
Sep 26, 2018 through Dec 8, 2018
felted fabric sculptures with biological forms
Jun 26, 2018 through Aug 18, 2018
a birds-eye illustration of a European town from the nineteenth century
May 19, 2018 through Jun 16, 2018
three dimensional extrusion of a cube on a blue background
Apr 9, 2018 through May 12, 2018
irregular abstract organic forms in reds, whites, and grays
Jan 9, 2018 through Mar 17, 2018
people in a sandbox
Sep 27, 2017 through Dec 8, 2017
patterned rug-like weaving with wires leading to a circuit board
Jun 20, 2017 through Aug 12, 2017
view of the blue sky with clouds through circular openings in a black geometry
May 18, 2017 through Jun 10, 2017
the word "corporeal" appears to be printed on a crumpled paper
Mar 28, 2017 through May 8, 2017
collage of works from the exhibition on a title card
Jan 4, 2017 through Mar 10, 2017
photo through a window of a guy laying on a sofa, back to the camera
Jan 4, 2017 through Mar 10, 2017
tidy wooden box with a diarama of airport waiting area. Perspective is dodgy.
May 24, 2016 through Jun 11, 2016
abstract reflection of yellow streak on a deep blue convex spheroid
Feb 4, 2016 through May 14, 2016
an assemblage of wood panels and cords
Dec 3, 2015 through Jan 15, 2016
postcard announcing reception for the installation of the artwork
Sep 22, 2015 through Nov 20, 2015
a red and a yellow chair with unique design elements
Aug 5, 2015 through Aug 28, 2015
a blue glass figure reaching toward a blue ball against a colorful background
May 24, 2015 through Jun 12, 2015
pale background with serif lowercase letters tumbling like a fall spelling out "escape rotues"
Apr 5, 2015 through May 15, 2015
catalog cover with swirls of rust and turquoise over images of en ewer and a woman's face
Feb 23, 2014 through Mar 16, 2014
an inverted cylindrical object hangs from the ceiling and tapers as it nears the floor
Sep 30, 2013 through Nov 21, 2013
black and white photo of construction debris under a very twiggy leafless shrub
Jun 16, 2013 through Jun 21, 2013
brightly colored cones of thread stacked in spectrum order
Apr 9, 2013 through May 17, 2013
red and green stripes obscure red and green overlapping text rendering the text unreadable
Jan 27, 2013 through Mar 8, 2013
exterior of western gallery atrium
Sep 30, 2012 through Nov 20, 2012
purple, aqua, and white vertical stripes and text reading "color mad"
May 28, 2012 through Jun 8, 2012
exterior of western gallery atrium
Mar 22, 2012 through May 11, 2012
a moon at top, streamlined floral motif center, coral-like bowl shape beneath
Oct 2, 2011 through Nov 21, 2011
woven coast salish hat with red and black designs
May 31, 2011 through Jun 10, 2011
exterior of western gallery atrium
Apr 10, 2011 through May 20, 2011
exterior of western gallery atrium
Mar 8, 2011 through Mar 18, 2011
Exhibition poster. The imagery shows a human eye on a white egg shape which balances on a smaller white egg shape, forming an exclamation point, all encompassed by blue and black rectangles
Sep 27, 2009 through Nov 24, 2009
close up of cells under a microscope
Apr 12, 2009 through May 12, 2009
a spinning rectangle with black and white concentric circles creates an optical illusion
Jan 1, 2009 through Mar 12, 2009
two dozen brightly colored hybrid musical instruments combining stringed instruments with other objects
Sep 30, 2007 through Nov 29, 2007
squishy round pink and white fabric pillows with natural motifs packed together
Oct 1, 2006 through Nov 30, 2006
The cover of the exhibition catalog. Mostly text.
May 4, 2006 through Jun 9, 2006
exterior of western gallery atrium
Mar 27, 2006 through Apr 21, 2006
A brushy painting of a seated person wearing orange against a background that's blue on one side and yellow on the other.
Mar 31, 2005 through Jun 9, 2005
dancers by Noguchi's Skyviewing sculpture
Sep 23, 2004 through Nov 22, 2004
old rectangular gas can reading "Chantry" in red on the side. Gas can is bright red, everything else is very yellow.
Jan 11, 2004 through Mar 5, 2004
charcoal or pencil drawing of a tangled mass of cords
Mar 31, 2003 through Jun 6, 2003
water with lines of foam, like a pool of water on the ocean shore
Jan 6, 2003 through Feb 28, 2003
person in grey trousers, green sneakers, turquoise blouse shown from elbows down walking away.
Oct 6, 2002 through Dec 5, 2002
water, low hills or an island on the horizon, clouds above. Small figure in the forground at right. It is dusk or dawn.
Apr 10, 2002 through May 21, 2002
a giant junk ball rolls or perches on the incline of a mountain of junk.
Jan 16, 2002 through Mar 15, 2002
exterior of western gallery atrium
Jan 6, 2002 through Jan 30, 2002
frame like apparatus reminscent of very old victrola record player
Apr 19, 2001 through May 30, 2001
exterior of western gallery atrium
Apr 1, 2001 through May 4, 2001
person in swimsuit, goggles, and swim cap is either floating above, diving into, or sinking below the water. The orientation and color of the image makes it difficult to tell which.
Oct 8, 2000 through Dec 1, 2000
statue of a naked female holding a mask in a lowered hand. Where the head would be is a large oval adorned with an oak branch and a running horse.
May 14, 2000 through May 19, 2000
Three Tibetan Buddhist monks create a sand painting, or mandala
Mar 27, 2000 through May 5, 2000
photo collage in a rectalinear grid featuring disjointed suburban street scapes
Jan 17, 2000 through Mar 2, 2000
coffee colored background with "Western's Art Alumni: Part 2" written on it
Oct 26, 1999 through Dec 2, 1999
Blue background with "Western's Art Alumni: Part 1" written on it
Sep 15, 1999 through Sep 24, 1999
exterior of western gallery atrium
Sep 15, 1999 through Sep 24, 1999
Stylized building motif and text reading "Western at 100: continuing the legacy of learning"
Feb 21, 1999 through Mar 19, 1999
person with a lit cigar in their mouth holding a large older medium format camera with a reflector and flashbulb
Jan 4, 1999 through Feb 9, 1999
text describing the exhibition and listing the participating institutions laid out like an American flag
Sep 29, 1998 through Feb 9, 1999
disjointed typography spells out the name of the exhibition "Review/Preview"
May 1, 1998 through Jul 2, 1998
yellow background with a splotch of instrumental color in the corner, text reads "Seeing Jazz"
Jan 11, 1998 through Mar 6, 1998
white on white chintz ironmongery with "metalcraft" written over it
Sep 20, 1997 through Nov 23, 1997
gently lit rumpled ivory fabric in soft folds with white letters: "Embedded Metaphor"
Jul 15, 1997 through Aug 16, 1997
surreal image of a homind crow with wings spread but wearing perhaps a straight jacket. The background is murky and green, there is a small dim window at center.
Apr 15, 1997 through Jun 6, 1997
catalog cover with the name of exhibition "Rediscovering the Landscape of the Americas"
Apr 2, 1997 through May 15, 1997
exterior of western gallery atrium
Jan 26, 1997 through Mar 14, 1997
A framed axe above the title of the exhibition: "Mel Chin: Inescapable Histories"
Sep 29, 1996 through Nov 26, 1996
Roger Shimura's exhibition announcement is a riotous and energetic illustration of overlapping objects
Apr 1, 1996 through Apr 26, 1996
block white letters on black background read "I am you"
Nov 19, 1995 through Jan 19, 1996
invitation to art department exhibition
Sep 26, 1995 through Nov 3, 1995
burgundy field with small letters reading "Dominique Blain"
May 9, 1995 through Jun 9, 1995
exterior of western gallery atrium
Mar 26, 1995 through Apr 28, 1995
green background with "Viola Frey" on it at top. Under name is a round abstract image in yellow and brown
Feb 21, 1995 through Mar 14, 1995
exterior of western gallery atrium
Nov 8, 1994 through Dec 8, 1994
a person-sized object that looks like a beehive or an egg made of piled flat stones sits in a forest of bare-limbed deciduous trees.
Apr 17, 1994 through Jun 10, 1994
Red background, hammer and sickle ala Soviet flag, except it's a pan and spatula. Text reads "After Perestroika: kitchenmaids or stateswomen"
Feb 17, 1994 through Mar 11, 1994
cover of exhibition catalog
Jan 4, 1994 through Feb 11, 1994
a preternaturally tall gown with extended sleeves in a t-shape. Spectral-looking and white.
Nov 7, 1993 through Dec 7, 1993
jumbled white courier font on black background reads "chairs: embodied objects"
Sep 26, 1993 through Oct 26, 1993
monochrome flyer with a large white "93" on it announces the "Faculty Exhibition""
May 9, 1993 through Jun 11, 1993
cover of exhibition catalog
Feb 7, 1993 through Mar 12, 1993
Cover of exhibition catalog reads "Elaine Reichek: Native Intelligence"
Jan 4, 1993 through Jan 28, 1993
A drawing of a robust, but leafless tree grown somewhat sideways
May 10, 1992 through Jul 30, 1992
Touchlines announcement is indigo on top half, white with text on bottom. The top half has a red and white graphic like part of vinyl audio record.
Feb 9, 1992 through Mar 19, 1992
black square with white center next to a yellow cross with a repeated image of a sculpted female head at the corners of the cross.
Jan 9, 1992 through Jan 31, 1992
Dot matrix motif with a large number 92. Underneath is a list of faculty artist exhibitors
Nov 20, 1991 through Feb 27, 1992
colorful umbrellas being rained on by typed out names
Nov 10, 1991 through Dec 1, 1991
flyer announcing exhibition called "L.A. Times"
Oct 15, 1991 through Nov 1, 1991
pink background with scrap of paper reading "100 true stories pleas and thank yous" pasted to it
Sep 22, 1991 through Oct 18, 1991
a thick red border surrounding illustration of a large skeleton in a cowl, with a smaller skeleton wearing cowl to one side.
Feb 8, 1991 through Mar 15, 1991
radiating arcs in a gradient from orange to blue look like ribbons overlapping a pattern about in the middle
Jan 7, 1991 through Feb 8, 1991
Postcard announcement for Paul Berger: The Machine in the Window
Nov 4, 1990 through Dec 7, 1990
Illegal America announcement has a round portal with a back man seen through it, hands in front of his face
Sep 21, 1990 through Oct 20, 1990
exhibition placard for Northwest by Southwest: Painted Fictions
Jul 1, 1990 through Aug 10, 1990
two hazy figures, maybe outside, maybe under an umbrella. Figures are featureless, the scene is indistinct.
Jul 1, 1990 through Aug 16, 1990
artist sketch of site plan for an outdoor sculpture
May 6, 1990 through Jun 8, 1990
cover of exhibition catalog
Apr 2, 1990 through Apr 27, 1990
announcement for Drawing Power exhibition includes short list of events
Feb 22, 1990 through Mar 22, 1990
stiff human form made of cardboard and other things
Jan 11, 1990 through Feb 9, 1990
cover of exhibition catalog
Nov 19, 1989 through Dec 14, 1989
exhibition poster for "Faculty Show"
Oct 1, 1989 through Nov 3, 1989
exhibition announcement for Matt Mullican has simple red all caps letters on an ivory colored background
Jun 18, 1989 through Aug 11, 1989
brightly colored paint stokes in red, orange, and yellow hues and gradients.
Apr 30, 1989 through May 26, 1989
Front cover of Private Art/Public Visions Pamphlet showing Eric Fischl's "Self Portrait with April at the Beach" 1983, description found under archives in exhibition pamphlet
Mar 26, 1989 through Apr 28, 1989
black and white very designed typography announcing the exhibition
Jan 8, 1989 through Feb 16, 1989
Avery oil painting "Birds Over Sea" 1957
Oct 2, 1987 through Dec 2, 1987
Arnold Mesches
Jan 30, 1987 through Mar 15, 1987
Michael Spafford
Jan 7, 1987 through Jan 28, 1987
Diane Arbus
Apr 16, 1986 through May 2, 1986
Jerry Keans
Feb 5, 1986 through Feb 28, 1986
John Nava