Chester Arnold: Urban Invasion


Wed, Apr 10, 2002 through Tue, May 21, 2002

Not your ordinary realist, this Bay area painter depicts our contemporary world on the edge of catastrophe. Arnold depicts the contemporary world on the brink of disaster in technically, narratively, and psychologically complex works. His dark and curious narratives feature roadways carved into the countryside, threatening crowds at sports events, and enormous piles of discarded material possessions. Although man inhabits and attempts to control the landscape, he is small and powerless in the cosmic picture. Ultimately, nature and death will always triumph. Arnold also draws contemporary connections to religious allegories and Biblical stories. Since earning his MFA from the San Francisco Art Institute in the mid-eighties, Arnold has consistently shown his work in solo and group exhibitions in California and New York City.


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Admission is free and open to the public unless stated otherwise.