Part I: A Painting for Over the Sofa (that’s not necessarily a painting). Part II: A Sofa and…


Sun, Oct 5, 2003 through Thu, Nov 20, 2003

This two-part exhibition looks at both sides of the argument as to whether art is/is not mere decoration. In Part I, "Painting for Over the Sofa…" eighteen look-a-like sofas tie together eighteen entirely unique works of art in an exhibition demonstrating the unsuitable characteristic of art as accouterment. In other words, in the presence of the “inflated” sofas, this art is precisely what you talk about. The Part II of the exhibition, "A Sofa and…," draws upon its chair, chaise and sofa collection to further tweak the question as to which ranks first, the sofa or the painting and to smudge the lines between genres. In making a stylistic or thematic pairing between a furniture designer and an artist, this exhibition highlights both types of domestic treasures and the dynamic process of design.


The gallery is open during exhibition dates and events. Events may occur outside regular hours.

Admission is free and open to the public unless stated otherwise.