Keys to the Koop: Humor and Satire in Contemporary Printmaking


Sun, Jan 8, 2006 through Fri, Mar 10, 2006

Humor and satire have been popular themes in European printmaking for centuries, as in 18th century prints by Honore Daumier, Francisco Goya, and William Hogarth. Contemporary printmakers also take a skewed look at today's art, fashion, food, religion, politics and other aspects of popular culture. In the 1960s Claes Oldenburg ironically saw the colossal effect of the hamburger; today Damien Hirst focuses on the food endgame of pill consumption. Our fascination with celebrities and kitschy mass marketing are subjects for Jeff Koons and William Wegman. Kara Walker, Loma Simpson and Ellen Gallagher are concerned with stereotyping and self-image.


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Admission is free and open to the public unless stated otherwise.