Exhibition Announcement

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Team Spirit Design 

Western Gallery, Western Washington University

Friday, April 10, 1992

Featuring the Viking 21 Solar Electric Parallel Hybrid Car

Precedents for collaboration in the visual arts often come from areas of design, such as architecture and industrial production. 

Team Spirit / Design celebrates this collaboration. 

This exhibition focuses on the collaborative spirit within the evolution of the Viking series of experimental vehicles - Viking I, II, IV through VII, and XX. Specific cars and their design components, as well as the interior & exterior conceptual visions for the new solar / compressed natural gas hybrid car will be on view. However, since the Viking XXI is a "work-in-progress," its three-dimensional shell will only be on display in the gallery from April 6th - 11th. This exhibit marks the first time these vehicles have been brought together so the public can see the progression of this award-winning series. 

You are cordially invited to a reception 

Friday, April 10, 1992

5 o'clock

The Western Gallery

Western Washington University

Please RSVP by April 3rd

Special Events 676-3629



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